Emma Serene Wickham - WHS Class of 2017
The very first time I met you, you were 4 years old.... and I was completely awe-struck by your beautiful little face. ♥ True story. I could not stop watching you! {Maybe a tish creepy? LOL}
Here we are, 13 years later!!! Not only are you every bit as beautiful as I imagined you would be, but you have an incredible spirit and loving soul to top it off. So beautiful, inside and out.
It has been an honor to watch you grow into the amazing young lady that you are. This world is a much better place with you in it.
Enjoy your Senior year!!!!
Soak up every single moment.
Make amazing memories.
Hug your Mama... LOTS.
Giggle with your friends.
Leave your teachers with a hefty dose of appreciation.
You will miss it all when it's over.
Bitter sweet endings... but such exciting new beginnings!!!!
~Holly ♥'s U~